Le petit Café

12. März 2014 - gesus - Lesezeit: 3 min.

english fotografie urban exploration


Last weekend we did a short trip to Luxemburg and Belgium. The first location of that two-day photo trip was a little old Café in Luxemburg. It was abandoned a couple of decades ago and not only had a small banquet hall but also a nine-pin bowling alley and some old moldy guest rooms in the first floor.


Above you can see the old piano, which was situated in the banquet hall and an old commode standing in the floor below. The strings of the piano were rusty and all keys were gone with the humidity of the room. That’s some kind of pain to see an instrument like this in that constitution.


One of the guest rooms in the first floor:

Lueur rouge

Abat-jour rouge

And as a highlight: the attic with some relicts of a agriculture background of this building – shoulder collars.

Collier d'épaule

Above there you could see, that a lot of photographers have been there, because they draped the items in that room to a plenty of Still Lifes. I usually don’t like manipulating the scenery I see there, but I think the Still Life below was the most unconventional.

Papillon et bouteille

Follow this link to see the whole photo set.